Transitioning to a Non-Profit

After careful thought and consideration we’ve decided to take the plunge and transition Miss Angie’s Place to a nonprofit organization. There are many steps to this process and it is overwhelming to say the least, but the initial phase is complete – we’ve created a solid mission statement and set of goals that will serve us well into the future.

The next step is recruiting members for the board of directors. Don’t get me wrong, serving on a board can be overwhelming, but it can also be extremely rewarding. Please take a look at the mission statement and goals below. If you feel a calling to help with this mission by serving as a member on the board of directors, feel free to message Miss Angie below.

Mission Statement

Our Mission: Create a safe space to gather and grow for people of all ages through art, nature, spirituality and movement.


  1. Foster a sense of appreciation and stewardship for mother earth.
  2. Offer affordable programming for all.
  3. Serve as a welcome presence in our community through diverse and inclusive programming and events.
  4. Be financially sustainable.
  5. Bridge the generational gap by establishing a mentorship program involving adults and youth, based on areas of concern/need for guidance.
  6. Promote mental, physical and emotional wellness for participants through programming and positive interactions amongst staff, volunteers and participants.
Yes! I’m interested in discussing board membership.